Hermann Oberth German School is accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research in the areas of teaching in German as a native language, teaching in Romanian and intensive / bilingual German studies.
What makes us different?
- Continuity
From kindergarten to primary education, middle school and high school, students benefit from a pedagogical framework specific to our institution, coherently developed and applied. Students are encouraged to identify their passions, talents, to discover themselves and thus reach their full potential.
- Emphasis on ensuring successful transitions
The transitions from kindergarten to primary education, from primary education to middle school and then to high school are all important to us and therefore carefully designed so as to ensure each student's personal success.
- Educational support included in the program
For primary education level, students benefit from sessions focusing on educational support with the aim of shaping independent skills and developing one’s autonomy. Moreover, students are encouraged to build upon specific elements related to content during these support sessions.
- Courses specific to our school, included in the program
Children’s Literature / Kinderliteratur
Bringing children closer to the world of books is a constant endeavor of the entire team. For this reason, every week involves literature classes for children, where we discover the most beautiful readings in German. Books are sometimes accompanied by an audio component so that one may also develop the ability to grasp messages of this type. Deductions, debates, illustrating stories with the help of drawings, collaborative book writing, etc., are all current, natural practices that contribute to the shaping of a reader-practitioner profile.
In the students' timetable, experiments are an illustration of the phenomena and processes tackled during science sessions. Exploring the cause-effect relationship, expressing predictions about the phenomena under examination, recording observations – such activities are undertaken in specific class sessions. Our teachers are trained to nurture students' curiosity in order for them to better understand the surrounding world. The contextualization of science learning is the path we have consciously chosen to follow. Science-technology-society or STS is the concept by which we aim to integrate students' daily experiences and contemporary social issues such as ethical or environmental aspects which develop both critical thinking skills and social responsibility.
Mathematics taught in Romanian
Despite opting for a study of German as a native language, the terminology specific to Mathematics is also strengthened in the Romanian language so that students that have an affinity for this field can participate in specific competitions held at local / regional / national levels.
Musical education
Music classes are held by teachers who are specialized in this particular field, as music is in itself a language. Only a passionate teacher is able to help students decipher this language and assimilate a genuine musical culture. Music also translates into joy, relaxation, self-expression.
- Linguistic progress
Working with individuals who are not only native speakers but also trained to understand how language skills develop and the role of metacognition represents the premise for achieving excellent results in language acquisition. In recent years, our students have won 1st place at the National Olympiad for German as a Mother Tongue; they also sat the DSD exam while in the 11th grade, reaching level C1 in German. Our students have also participated in English-speaking competitions at the national level, with honorable mentions obtained in recent years. This proves that language awareness, when developed from an early age through exposure to different linguistic contexts, helps and facilitates children’s natural progress.
Within the realm of primary education, the Romanian language is taught by teachers who are specialized in this field, while the German language is studied under the supervision of other specially assigned teachers. This ensures that the specific language standards are met at relevant levels.
- Educational resources from Germany or Austria
Resursele utilizate în școală (cărți, manuale, caiete-suport, dicționare etc. ) sunt în majoritate achiziționate din Germania sau Austria. Orice elev care se transferă într-o școală din Germania sau Austria se integrează facil, cu succes, fiind în unanimitatea cazurilor înscriși într-o clasă superioară.
- Cultural dimension
În fiecare an, elevii noștri participă la marile sărbători ale culturii germane. Totodată, bianual, sunt organizate tabere în Austria sau Germania, atât cu caracter cultural, cât și tabere cu profil educațional.
- Social dimension
Being empathetic, helping those around us, respecting the options of others – these aspects and many other nuances are tackled throughout all classes. We work in teams both during classes and beyond the school program: from the very first grades we learn how to design projects, how to develop and present them. We work together, we learn together, we play together.
1. The correct and appropriate use of the German language in different communicational situations
2. The application and extension of basic elements of scientific activities as well as the acquisition of literary-scientific background knowledge, based on various literary and non-literary texts
3. Written and oral argumentation, expressing one’s opinion and the use of critical thinking in approaching literary and non-literary texts
4. Flexibility concerning foreign cultural expressions and different opinions
1. The joy of reading, sensitivity and aesthetic sensitivity in the field of literature;
2. Being aware of the values of German culture and their internalization;
3. Independent thinking, critical thinking;
4. Confidence in one’s communicative abilities;
5. Flexibility and tolerance towards the arguments and opinions of others;
6. Open-mindedness;
7. Intercultural communication skills, making connections between specific literature in the mother tongue and Romanian literature.
Mathematics and environmental exploration are aimed at contextualizing and enabling the application of knowledge in different life situations.
The methods used in the teaching-learning process focus on the student and are specific to learning through action in order for the proposed objectives to be achieved in a highly attractive context.