Responsible towards the environment
Our school values the environment. Through integrative approaches, we involve students in understanding the benefits of connecting with nature as a basic principle for achieving a healthy and sustainable future for all. The curriculum and the activities we propose convey this ongoing commitment to educating students as they grow up and become active and responsible members of society.
We strive to create an attractive learning environment that positively impacts everyone; we take pride in the conviction that one’s lifestyle should not negatively interfere with the lives of future generations. In this sense, our educational project promotes the relevance of the natural environment for our students’ training and their future.
At HOS we are committed to the following objectives:
Sustainable environmental practices
Our guidelines cover all areas of activity at school:
Education. As an educational institution, we fully support education about sustainability, sustainable development and environmental management. For this purpose, we offer activities and workshops that promote awareness on social responsibility and the importance of the environment in our lives.
Community involvement. We try to involve the entire school community in sustainable practices, including the families of our students. We welcome parents who are already experienced in the field as they help us maintain and improve school rapports.
Diversity. Our school is an illustration of demographic diversity, accommodating students from different countries. We embrace this variety as part of our endeavor to ensure learning opportunities for students, teachers and support staff.
Reducing plastic waste as top priority. We avoid the use of plastic in the school and employ recycling bins for plastic and paper.
Local products. We have our own kitchen where we prepare healthy menus that avoid processed food. We encourage the consumption of home-grown seasonal fruits and vegetables whenever possible in order to ensure a positive impact on the local and global community.
Green shopping. We strive to purchase green products in order to enable a positive impact on the environment and to educate students regarding the importance of making green choices.
We encourage students to make decisions and initiate new projects. Our students can be promoters of change both in the school and in the wider community. We encourage them to analyze the surrounding world critically and to consider projects that could have a positive impact on the environment.
pentru a produce un impact pozitiv asupra mediului și pentru a educa elevii referitor la importanța de a face alegeri ecologice în viața lor.
Încurajăm elevii să ia decizii și să inițieze proiecte noi Elevii noștri pot fi promotorii schimbării atât în mediul școlar, cât și în comunitatea mai largaă. Îi încurajăm să privească în mod critic în jur și să reflecteze asupra unor proiecte care pot avea un impact pozitiv asupra mediului.